Breast augmentation can be performed as a way to make a woman’s breasts appear bigger. A small incision is made in the areola and the implant is inserted in the breast. There are other ways to insert the implant which you can read about here. The incision leaves a scar but a few months after breast augmentation surgery the scar is hardly visible.

For each person the breast implants can have two different shapes they may either be round, or tear drop shaped and there are many sizes to accommodate various body proportions. These differences make breast implants not only helpful to enlarge breast size, but also to separate the distance between the breasts and improve the general harmony.

The implants can be placed above or below the muscle. Normally, putting the between the muscle and the mammary gland gives the best result. Most women resume their normal life after three or four days, although it is best rest the first week and then start your activities slowly.

You shouldn’t play sports or do activities that require effort after the surgery. After the breast augmentation there can be a variation in the sensitivity of the skin. This change is temporary and in a period of three to six months everything will return to normal.

The stitches are removed from between 7 and 10 days after the plastic surgery.

Guide To Herbal Breast Enlargement

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    November 2012

